Local police reports from Schaumburg, Illinois show a busy holiday season for law enforcement officials making DUI arrests in areas throughout the state. According to official records, 30 counts of DUI were charged between Black Friday and New Year's Day, and that is in Schaumburg alone. The number is a drastic increase from the 19 arrests made the previous year.
A local department spokesman cited the increase in DUI arrests as a result of an intensified focus on traffic violations in general, particularly those of drunk driving. He continued to say that the department as a whole has a long-term goal of increasing DUI arrests by 10%, a jump that could stand to affect many drivers on the road who may have been drinking, whether at safe driving levels or not. While this increase is meant to reflect a stricter crackdown by local law enforcement, it is difficult to wonder if it won't also result in more unnecessary arrests.
Setting a percentage of DUI arrests that police officers are expected to meet could be risky considering the fact that only as many arrests can be made as there are drunk drivers. That being said, it begs the question, “Will more unwarranted arrests be made simply to meet a quota?” These were in no way the words of the police spokes official, but it certainly is cause for wonder. DUI cases are sensitive issues that could stand to drastically affect the lives of those convicted. As such, it is unsettling to think that the number of arrests being made in relation to suspected drunk driving is set to increase.
If you have been arrested for impaired driving, then you should immediately contact a Chicago DUI lawyer from The Law Offices of Howard J. Wise & Associates. We are experienced attorneys who are prepared to aggressively work on behalf of the defense of your case. Whether you have been arrested for a first-time offense or multiple offenses, we know what it takes to represent your case in a favorable light.
Contact a Chicago DUI attorney from our firm to learn more.
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