Accused of a violation of probation? Call a lawyer at our firm.
Probation is a possible penalty given to an individual as part of sentence for a criminal conviction. It can be an alternate sentence to incarceration. It can also follow a time spent in jail or prison. A probation officer assigned to the offender ensures the following of the court's terms. A probation officer has discretionary rights regarding probation violations. The officer can issue a warning for a violation or request the offender appear in court at a probation violation hearing.
If found guilty of a probation violation, an individual may face punitive damages or incarceration. A person who has been accused of a violation of probation should therefore contact a Chicago criminal defense lawyer who is experienced in dealing with probation officers and the courts regarding the subject of probation. At the Law Offices of Howard J. Wise & Associates, our lawyers have the knowledge and resources necessary to defend clients accused of probation violations. Our team includes former prosecutors who have handled literally thousands of criminal cases in their careers, on both sides of the criminal process.
Types of Probation Violations
It is important to follow the terms of probation because of the harsh penalties imposed when the terms are broken. Terms of probation can include community service, counseling or drug and alcohol classes, periodic chemical testing, and regularly designated meetings with the assigned probation officer. Some probation offenses can include the following:
- Failure to check in with probation officer
- Change of job or residence without permission
- Possession of illegal drugs
- Possession of weapons
- Commission of a crime
- Associating with known criminals, including involvement in gang activity
- Engaging in organized criminal activities
There may be circumstances involved that are acceptable defenses for probation violations. The help of an attorney who is educated and skilled in the laws that involve probation can make the difference in any penalties following the alleged violations. A good and aggressive defense can assist with the elimination of further incarceration or other penalties. Our attorneys know how to work successfully with probation officers and the courts on behalf of our clients; we are ready to see how we can help you.
Contact a Chicago probation violation lawyer for the experienced defense you need – and deserve!