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Marijuana Cultivation

Marijuana Cultivation Attorney in Chicago

About Marijuana Cultivation Charges

Drug cultivation is defined as the growing and producing of naturally occurring elements (usually plants) in order to create illegal controlled substances. Cultivation charges are frequently centered on marijuana and may be penalized very heavily in Illinois. These penalties can vary according to specific factors, such as the amount of marijuana being cultivated, whether the accused has prior criminal convictions, and whether the marijuana is being cultivated for personal use or for trafficking purposes. They can include heavy fines, mandatory drug counseling or treatment, and possible incarceration.

Accused of drug cultivation? Act quickly and involve a Chicago criminal defense lawyer who can provide you with a strong defense against these allegations. You need an attorney at your side who will work tirelessly for you, using experience from both sides of the legal process to seek the results you are hoping for, even if you think these are impossible to achieve. With an understanding of both the defense and prosecution of marijuana cultivation cases, an experienced lawyer can uncover weaknesses in the case and evidence against you that a less experienced attorney may have missed.

Chicago Drug Defense Lawyer for Cultivation Cases

Being convicted of cultivating marijuana can result in consequences that have a substantial effect on the rest of your life. Long after your punishment has already been served, you may face continued difficulty with finding employment or even purchasing a home or car. Hiring a competent attorney can provide you with a strong chance of avoiding such consequences. At the Law Offices of Howard J. Wise & Associates, we have extensive experience in handling drug cases. Our team includes former prosecutors and defense attorneys who have handled thousands of cases in their careers thus far, meaning we have the experience of both sides of these proceedings that proves so valuable in seeking better results for our clients. We defend individuals against drug charges of all types, from those involving to cultivation to those that involve possession.

Your initial consultation is free and confidential. Contact a Chicago marijuana cultivation lawyer at our offices today!
