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Unlawful Use of a Credit Card

Credit Card Fraud Defense Attorney in Chicago

Unlawfully Using a Credit Card

As credit lines have grown and been vigorously advertised by banks and providers over the last few decades, so has the opportunity for people to engage in identity theftforgery and other criminal conduct related to credit cards.  When a person obtains something of value with the intent to defraud a credit card issuer or merchant by passing off a credit card or debit card that isn't theirs, they have committed the crime of the unlawful use of a credit card – also known as credit card fraud.  The end goal of this crime is to get “something for nothing” – leaving someone else with the bill.  If you have been arrested for or accused of credit card fraud, make immediate contact with a Chicago theft defense attorney for much-needed legal guidance.

If convicted of credit card fraud, you could spend several years in prison.  If the theft involved amounts of property valued at $300 or less, the offense is a Class 4 felony under state law with a possible prison term of 1 to 3 years or probation.  Exceeding this $300 threshold can lead to a Class 3 felony charge and 2 to 5 years of imprisonment.  Whether a card was used or obtained without the cardholder's consent or any credit or debit card was used which was knowingly expired, forged or counterfeited, a serious crime has been committed.

Chicago Credit Card Fraud Defense Lawyer

The experienced team at the Law Offices of Howard J. Wise & Associates is prepared to act aggressively and swiftly in your defense.  We understand the consequences you may be facing if convicted, and will work hard to have charges reduced or dropped, or to vigorously seek an acquittal in the courtroom.  With attorneys that have represented clients in thousands of cases over the years, you can count on our know-how and resources to get the job done.

Contact a Chicago credit card fraud defense lawyer at our offices immediately for valuable legal help.
